September 29, 2005
Three images tonight. The first one is, of course, Spider-man. He pops up a lot in these notes. He's lots of fun to draw. Plus, I see I've written the word "slather" at the top. I don't remember why, but it is a fun word.

These other two are just random doodles.

Labels: meeting_notes, sketches
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September 26, 2005
So my brother was driving around Tucson and came across this sign:

This is a logo I designed back in college. I'd only ever seen it on a business card and a pen, so this was fun to see!
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September 20, 2005

Late afternoon light casting long shadows on the coblestoned streets of Prague.
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September 16, 2005
Twice weekly my department has what are ironically called "mini-meets". During these, I take copious notes, of course, but I do find the time to do the occasional doodle. It is these that I'm going to share with you.
This first batch is from sometime in '01, I wasn't too good about writing down exact dates at this point.
Here's the cover to Volume 1 (there are 6 so far):

This next image is all ready a bit of a cheat, as I don't think it was actually done at a meeting. It's supposed to be
Gillian Welch I think.

And finally a couple of headshots. The top one is supposed to be our managing editor, but I'm terrible at likenesses.

Labels: meeting_notes, sketches
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September 15, 2005
So my web site has been in desperate need of an update for a long time.
Now I'm working on it. This blog is the first step in what will be a complete site overhaul.
Right now, everything except this page is down, and over the coming weeks I will be slowly putting up the rest of the site. For now though, there is this new fangled bloggy-thingy which will allow me to update more frequently.
I'll make announcements here as new sections are brought online.
Also, I plan to start posting random sketches and photo's from my archives, so stay tuned for that. Should be fun for all of us.
In the meantime, if you are so inclined, you can go buy one of my new t-shirt designs
here. Thank you for your kind attention.
P.S. I have a few other web based projects in the works, we'll see how many of them come to fruition.
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