October 27, 2005
One of these day's I'm going to post something non-meeting note related. But until that day comes, here are more meeting notes:
As promised, we start on volume 2.

This is a rough layout for a story idead that never came to fruition:

And here are some poses that I actually quite like.

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October 19, 2005
A little early this week on the meeting notes, but I don't know if I'll have a chance to post any tomorrow.
This is the end of volume one. Still no dates on any of this stuff for the most part. I got better about dating things later on. The last date I could find was on the second to last sketch, which is November 7, 2001.
Haven't got much to say about these, they are what they are. And what they mostly are is bad. Oh well, not everyone is a winner.

Next time I start in on Volume 2, which, as near as I can tell covers from November 2001 to June or mid-July 2002. Stay tuned for the fun.
Labels: meeting_notes, sketches
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October 15, 2005
Your weekly dose of meeting notes.
Let's see what we've got here…
Random figures.

I believe I was probably sick when I drew this one.

More randomness.

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October 06, 2005
It's time once again for meeting notes! Yay! Today's meeting notes mostly involve me playing around with a brush pen I picked up, most likely at Uwajimaya.
The Soccer Ball fish in this first one is a sketch for a comic I was working on at the time called "Whatever Happened To Number 5" about a soccer playing robot. I got about 15 pages in before petering out.

This is the only outlier, as it was done in pencil (oh yeah, the speach bubble contains what is one of my favorite Simpson's quotes: "Stupid babies need the most attention!" ):

Labels: meeting_notes, sketches
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