December 28, 2005
So right now the only section live and active is the photography section. I apologize for this but I have been busy working on a freelance project, a web site. I'm nearing completion on it and should have it finished up in the first half of January. Plus there is the holidays. You know, stuff gets in the way. I plan on getting back to working on the rest of my site after the new year and then I've got a couple other projects I'd like to get to.
I'll still be posting Meeting Notes every week. So check back often for those.
I tell you all this even though I know no one is reading it, but hey, you never know.
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December 23, 2005
This weeks meeting notes:

Labels: meeting_notes, sketches
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December 14, 2005
This weeks notes cover October through December of '02.
To start, here is a soccer playing robot, as opposed to the non-soccer playing kind.
And a few other doodles.

Labels: meeting_notes, sketches
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December 07, 2005
Starting in on Volume three of meeting notes.
Singing: "I'm driving in my car…"
And others:

And this last one is a non-soccer playing robot. As opposed to the other kind.

Labels: meeting_notes, sketches
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December 01, 2005
This weeks meeting notes. Well, obviously they weren't done this week, as I'm about two or three years behind in what I'm posting, but they are "this weeks" meeting notes. If you take my meaning.
Any way, without further ado:

Just a bunch of randomness. Which is what most of this stuff is, really. I mean, in meetings, one's mind does sometimes start to wander.
This brings to a close vol. 2 of Meeting Notes. Next time, vol. 3 which covers July '02 through April of '03.
Labels: meeting_notes, sketches
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