Time once again for Friday Meeting Notes. This batch is from December of 06 and contains two of my favorite pieces from vol. 11, which would be the two statue head pages. The first page is more robots and the second is a group shot from a meeting.

Labels: meeting_notes
Todays notes are from November and December of 06. Enjoy.

Labels: meeting_notes
Before we left for San Franciscom we started working on the front hall closet. This wasn't a huge project and we were able to get a lot of it done before we left. That closet has always been a disorganized mess. The kind of closet where you would stick the stuff that otherwise had no home but you couldn't quite stand to get rid off.
So before we started we had to empy it out and sort through what was there. Irene convinced me to part with a (for me) fairly large amount of stuff and the rest of which was pilled up in various locations through out the condo. Unfortunately, I forgot to take any pictures of it in it's original state, so you'll just have to trust me that it wasn't pretty.
Then the closet doors had to come off. This was difficult (and even harder to get back up when we were finished).
Then the shelving came out. It was the kind with brackets screwed to the walls. So there was a small amount of repatching work required, but nothing to bad compared to the bedroom and office. And since it was a closet, we didn't worry too much about making it look pretty.
Taking the closet doors off allowed me to finish painting the front entry blue (left undone for 3 years). And I decided to do the inside orange as we still had most of a can left over from the bedroom. You can see the results here:

After we got back from SF, we did the orange and then Friday I went to Lowes after work to buy the new shelving. It's much more organized than what was there before and will eventually have a coat bar as soon as I can cut one down to fit. Plus we now have a bit of a wine cellar which frees up a bit of space on the overhead kitchen cabinets, which is where the wine ued to be.

So I'm pretty pleased with the way it looks. Now I need to go through the stuff again and dump some more before it all goes back in.
Labels: remodel
I posted this once all ready, but then accidentally deleted it.
Sorry for the radio silence the past couple of weeks but we've been on vacation and I've been doing all my posting over on my
other blog.
I'm hoping to start doing more regular posting here as I've got a heap of pens to review and I picked up a couple more at MaiDo in SF when I was there last week.
In the mean time, here is this weeks installment of "meeting notes". Mostly just random stuff with a Wolverine by way of Wallace and Grommet thrown in for fun.

Labels: meeting_notes