May 11, 2007
This will be the last meeting notes for a few weeks as we are off to France on Thursday. Be sure to check
aTravelogue for updates from our trip.
This weeks meeting notes are from January of this year and cover subjects as diverse as Texas Hold 'Em poker and Capital Hill. I'll leave you to figure out which is which.

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May 08, 2007

Originally uploaded by fauxbro.
It's Nelson again on his favorite "pet me" perch. When we get home from work he like to run and jump onto this stool to be petted.
I do have another cat, and you will see pictures of Remy eventually, but he hasn't been in a position to be photographed since I got my new camera.
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May 07, 2007

Baby Ducks 2
Originally uploaded by fauxbro.
Here's the wayward baby duck I mentioned in the last post. I don't know if he ever made it back to mom. I didn't see any duck families on my lunch walk today. I did however see one of the big ass fish that lives in the pond floating right up at the surface of the water. I'll put that picture up later.
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May 05, 2007

Baby Ducks 3
Originally uploaded by fauxbro.
There's a pond behind our office that is home to a myriad of wildlife including, but not limited to, ducks, geese, rabbits. the occasional beaver or otter and some frighteningly large fish.
So every year in the spring we get a bumper crop of baby ducks that are really too cute to be believed. It's a little sad though, because you see families, like this one, with ten or more babies, and as they grow up they are gradually widdled down until by the time they are grown there are only a few left.
As I was watching this particular family I noticed that one of the siblings managed to loose his family an swam all the way across the pond in the wrong direction looking for them. I tried to tell him he was going the wrong way, but he wasn't listening. I would have tried to get him to take him back to his family, but he never left the water. The last I saw of him, he was heading back in the right direction, but I don't know if he ever made it back. I choose to believe he did. Next time, I'll post a picture of him.
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May 04, 2007
Every week at this time we turn our attention to the fabulous post known as Meeting Notes. These are the sketches I do to keep myself entertained at the twice weekly "mini-meet" that I'm forced to attend as part of my job.
Some of this weeks crop continue on with the theme of "Big Stone Head" that I started last week, only less successfully. Plus there's an attempt at the squid face guy from Pirates 2. And some other random crap.

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May 01, 2007

I know that it's supposed to be Friday Cat Blogging, but I all ready do Friday Meeting Notes.
So here we have Tuesday cat blogging and Nelson looking like he's about to sleep himself right off the couch.
Originally uploaded by
Labels: cat_blogging, photos
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